Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 2 31Aug-7Sep2009 Post 6 : Productivity

"Valy itchy oni!" - Yu Jin's motivational words.
Thank you for not plagiarizing.

Week 2 31Aug-7Sep2009 Post 5 : Problems in SAT

Author: Ryan

Finally!! I improved! from 400- to 590! that is like 200+ pts, a super big margin!! Maybe I got lucky today, but who cares? (I am certain mr Yu Jin won't) I can guarantee that I will sleep well tonight. Although Tanuja aka Vocab Queen has 750 for CR, (WOW!) I just simply don't care!

For Winstone, I think he got around 500+. Maybe our range is about the same. we could had done better if Yu Jin don't distract us while reading the double-passage part. No one can just afford to lose focus on that particular section.

Still, my problems are with vocabs and style+tone questions from CR. Somehow I managed to think critically today (all questions regarding the passages-related relations and some miscellaneous), hopefully this trend will continue.

I think I just need more practice I think...

I would recommend some tips, some might sound ridiculous, but helps, that are:

1. Get enough sleep!
2. Go anti-nigelism! (Or, Tanujaism!)
3. Get motivated by Yu Jin's Motto - Valy Itchy Oni! - Which translates to 'I am very horny only' (Saya berasa gatal sahaja)
4. Practice SAT like Vin Harng and Daniel.

"Valy itchy oni!" - Yu Jin's motivational words.
Thank you for not plagiarizing.

Week 2 31Aug-7Sep2009 Post 4 : Personal View

'Valy Itchy Oni!' - Yu Jin's Motto.
Thank you for not Plagiarizing.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Week 1 24-30Aug2009 Post 3 : Productivity

the 50% mark of mine is a benchmark for me. I am actually happy with it, because I am already half-prepared. so another 50% is not too much to go on.

Nothing this week.

If only Winstone can come to class on friday...

"Valy itchy oni!" - Yu Jin's motivational words.
Thank you for not plagiarizing.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Week 1 24-30Aug2009 Post 2 : Problems in SAT

I had BIG problems after doing the diagnostic test from the computer, probably because I lack of sleep.

First problem is my VOCABULARY! to me, SAT is using ancient words.
[Approach] However, I noticed that certain words continue to pop up frequently, such as ambivalent, taciturn, gregarious, and vigor. I take the initiative to remember these words. of course for vocab, if I don't go through these words, I ought to forget them. These frequent words will be easier to remember than the rest.
It is of course, impossible to remember all the 1000 common words in SAT in a day, but those frequent ones will be the most proritized.

Second problem, questions with patterns; the ones with those 'However, not only, after...'
[Approach] I think the best way solve this problem is to determine whether the phrase is positive or negative. two negative statements cuts out each other (like maths) to make sure it sounds positive, and many other arithmetical statements. through practice, I believe I can easily see whether the answer I should pick is a positive or negative word/statement/... to match in the question.

Third problem, I am only Half as critical. Funny enough my marks are exactly 50% in ALL the tests. If only I can sleep longer, if only the lecturers give more time for the students to rest.
I think that half of my head is critical and the other half only wants to look at the surface.


"Valy itchy oni!" - Yu Jin's motivational words
Thank you for not plagiarizing.

Week 1 24-30Aug2009 Post 1 : Personal View

Winstone is absent for the it is all up to me to do the blog for this week.

self - development:
I learn to be more careful, focus..and to re-evaluate situations...such as look for controversial conditions...

Soul - searching:

**If this has to include Winstone, then this is empty for this task.

"Valy Itchy Oni!" - Yu Jin's Motivational Words
Thank you for not plagiarizing.

Other groups doing Yu Jin's Blog ASSignment

This is to make easier for you to comment or go to their links. More links coming up soon.

Sime Darby:

Section 2 (Engineering)

Section 4 (Accounts)

(Some is taken from

"Valy itchy oni!" - Yu Jin's motivational words.
Thank you for not plagiarizing.

Introduction to Yu Jin's Blog ASSignment

This blog is created by Winstone (Seow Wei Shen) and Ryan (Rayyan Teh bin Hassan) from Section 04 (BNM Dominated) of Institute Kajian Liberal of Universiti Tenaga Nasional for Reading Class, with Mr Ng Yu Jin as our lecturer. This is his email:

This is the weekly ASSignment FORMAT:
Post 1:
Personal Feelings
Self - Development (Critical)
Soul - Searching (Motivational)

Post 2:
Problems with SAT (Academic)
Approaches to tackle
- types of questions/skills

Post 3:
-Counter Productive

"Valy itchy oni!" - Yu Jin's motivational words.
Thank you for not plagiarizing.