Saturday, September 12, 2009


Author : Ryan

What happened to me? I dropped points by a big margin. Last week I scored 590 in CR test, but I only scored 480!
Maybe this week is NOT my week...
bad day :(
*and all sorts of excuses*

1. I had problems with vocab. cannot understand the question, even the passage reading
2. My first impression could be wrong...maybe last week my first impression towards the passage, the main idea, is right... so not lucky this time
3. I tried to read in smaller bits instead of a whole big this technique a failure technique?
4. I might be on a bad mood...

Friday, September 4, 2009

A Short Story of PMS:

A debate about girls and guys
Based on a true story
Yu Jin : Today I will divide groups into two: Guys and Girls. There are 6 Guys and 8 Girls in this class. Section 2 has 3 girls and they are totally crash. So Girls, avenge them!
*Discussion begins*
Yu Jin : Let's start discussion: Boys first.
Ryan : [mumbles]... Guys and Girls can have the same job and position in almost anything... [continues to mumble]
Winston : However, the ratio into getting these jobs are much smaller for girls. [continues to mumble]
Kah Wei : [mumbles] Girls take account the feelings of other people in work... [ mumbles ]
Yu Jin : [mumbles] Good points. Now let's open for backup session:
Deisigan : Girls don't get good places because they are emotional [mumbles]
Sophia : What makes you say so?
Deisigan : Look...When they are in PMS, especially, if they join with another woman official with PMS, then... devastating effects...
Sophia : How sure are you?
Deisigan : PMS, from my personal experience, I mean, MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE,...
Class : [Laughs!]
Deisigan : [Jumps for joy] NO NO NO!! not from my personal experience, but from my personal experience of a friend...
Class : [LAUGHS!]
Deisigan : [still jumping for joy] NO NO NO!!!!! NO!! Listen to me first... My friend, she got PMS, and she seems to be moody.... [mumbles]
Yu Jin : (I really dont know what to say)
Sophia : Do you have a PMS Detector?
Class : [Laughs!]
Yu Jin : Enough of this. [Laughing and crying] I really don't know what to say. When Dei says that he has PMS, I really don't know what to say, but when sophia says about PMS Detector, I...I am really speechless...
Deisigan - declared that he has PMS
Ryan - Guy Speaker 1
Winstone - Guy Speaker 2
Sophia - Girl Speaker 1
Kah Wei - Girl Speaker 2
Yu Jin - Lecturer

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Gender Equality and Sexism

Author: Ryan

Today (Thursday,3 September 2009) we sorta discuss about Gender Equality. Not much points are valid, at least to me, during the discussion. Personally, I think that the stereotypes are frequently changing. For example, the stereotype of girls becoming housewives are now almost not valid (scope of discussion: average). Also stereotype of guys being immature is also no longer acceptable. many equivocal points are given throughout the discussion.

The conclusion: Women are less discriminated by men for the past 50 years, but sexism is still a normal practice in the society.

I will discuss a new issue in this post: the importance of sexism

I would say sexism is paradox (not a correct approach but MUST still be practiced) to our society. let's take sexism literally:
Girls will always fight for gender equality because they often think that they are being discriminated. but what happens if there is zero sexism?

Here is what I imagined:
1. Toilets. It is always nice for managers to cut cost on this. If gender equality is reached, public buildings can reduce the number of toilets they have to build by 2. So far, sexism is illustrated by having 2 toilets. I don't know the genuine reason, but I think this is not cost-effective. As I am a gender equality advocate, I would say that toilets should be merged, genuinely because this will reduce sexism to the minimal and also reduce cost in terms of water and cleaning. Most of the toilets in the country is still practising sexism.

2. Dormitory/Apartment. Again we can see the sexism culture when the girls are separated by the guys. To me, this is how the management develops an artificial world whereby the mix-gender neighbourhood does not exist. This is just opposite to what the real world is. I cant help but believe that this separation should not exist (There might be negative feedback from the girls, but I think all those feedback reflects the narrow-minded and pessimistic thinking that the girls have).

3. Cliques that are gender-based. I am so glad that much improvements have been done on this matter (my scope is the whole country, age range 13-25). Last time(about 2 months ago in UTP), a co-ed clique is considered unorthodox and being condemn, or given a sarcastic look by others. Nowadays almost all parts of the country has no such perception.

4. The Traditional restrictions by Parents. Yu Jin mentioned about how the traditional restrictions still take effect until today. For instance, girls are not allowed to go out until late night, they must be gentle and shy, polite... [traditional gibberish]. I believe this belief must be abolished. The community has to make a norm that both guys and girls have the same restriction and freedom. Because of this traditional restrictions, girls are brought up with many negative elements within them. They BELIEVE that it is wrong and sinful if they go against these traditions. Pity. I wish those farcical believes never exist.

Now lets take them figuratively.

Consider the balance of equality of men and women. We can see that the ratio of men-women in a university has increased. One generation ago, the ratio is about 1-8. now I estimate 1-20 (Don't look at uniten only!) Women continued to be smarter, and smarter, AND smarter, and will evantually outnumber the guys. Better to best, guys will be wiped out of the league.

This could be a success/achievement that girls had made, from being discriminated to outnumbering guys. If this trend continues, girls will have big trouble in their life. They either stay single, or marrying a dumb guy and then regretting it. They will suffer in the end, because they worked too hard and the result is just materialistic success. In short, women will continue to fail in their lives and live miserably.

Maybe we cannot see the future because we have 'Quotas' and 'Rights' to shell the truth. These laws are quite hard to debate on, and I will not do so because it is out of our topic.

There is one aspect about Gender Equality that is still sensitive, which is Emotion. from the discussion today, one of the girls' representative says that 'They take emotion into account' while 'Guys are not'. Some would say my suggestion is the literal equality point 4, however matters are much more complicated than that. My theory might not be true, but I think that emotion is the hinder to success, because business is business.

"Valy Itchy Oni!" - Yu Jin's Motto.
Thank you for not plagiarizing.